This occupation is found in a range of private and public settings including; full day care, children’s centres, pre-schools, reception classes, playgroups, nursery schools, home based provision, hospitals, social care settings, out of school environments and local authority provision to deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) requirements set by government for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 in both indoor and outdoor environments.

The broad purpose of the occupation is to work and interact directly with children on a day to day basis supporting the planning of and delivery of activities, purposeful play opportunities and educational programmes within the ethos of the setting. An EYP works as part of a professional team ensuring the welfare and care for children under the guidance and supervision of an Early Years Educator, teacher or other suitably qualified professional the Early Years Workforce.

In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with parents, children, colleagues and wider multi agency professionals and partners such as health visitors, social workers and speech and language therapists. Individuals will undergo all checks as per the EYFS requirements to ensure suitability to work with children. Due to the nature and level of responsibility it is not anticipated that the role would have any budgetary or leadership responsibilities.

Introduction to End-Point Assessment

What is End-Point Assessment?

End-point assessment (EPA) is a synoptic assessment at the end of the apprenticeship programme.

EPA is carried out by an Independent End-Point Assessor (IEPA) who has not been part of the teaching and learning.

The assessment plan that accompanies the Early Years Practitioner standard contains a combination of assessment
methods designed to test the apprentice’s knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) in line with the requirements for
synoptic testing under the apprenticeship reforms. The assessment plan can be found at:

Link to full standards

The role of the apprentice:

  • participate in development opportunities to improve their knowledge skills and behaviours as outlined in the standard
  • meet all gateway requirements when advised by the employer
  • understand the purpose and importance of EPA and undertake EPA

Our role:

  • work with the employer to ensure that the apprentice is given the opportunities to develop the KSBs outlined in the standard and monitor their progress during the on programme period
  • advise the employer, upon request, on the apprentice’s readiness for EPA prior to the gateway
  • plays no part in the EPA itself

The role of the employer:

  • support the apprentice to achieve the KSBs outlined in the standard to their best ability
  • determines when the apprentice is working at or above the level outlined in the standard and is ready for EPA
  • select the EPAO
  • confirm arrangements with EPAO for the EPA (who, when, where) in a timely manner
  • ensure apprentice is well prepared for the EPA
  • should not be involved in the delivery of the EPA
  • ensure all appropriate permissions are received from parents/ careers
  • ensure video is included in the portfolio where possible except where there may safeguarding concerns
  • ensure observation recordings are only viewed on site where the observations have been recorded
  • should not be involved in the delivery of the EPA