A Team Leader/Supervisor is a first line management role with operational/project responsibilities or responsibility for managing a team to deliver clearly defined outcomes.

They also provide direction, instructions and guidance to ensure the achievement of set goals. Specific responsibilities may vary but the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) required to undertake this role are universal – regardless of the size or nature of the organisation Team Leaders operate within.

Key responsibilities are likely to include supporting, managing and developing team members, managing projects, planning and monitoring workloads and resources, delivering operational plans, resolving problems, and building relationships internally and externally.

Introduction to End-Point Assessment

What is End-Point Assessment?

End-point assessment (EPA) is a synoptic assessment at the end of the apprenticeship programme.
EPA is carried out by an Independent End-Point Assessor (IEPA) who has not been part of the teaching and learning.

The assessment plan that accompanies the Team Leading/Supervisory standard contains a combination of assessment
methods designed to test the apprentice’s knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) in line with the requirements for
synoptic testing under the apprenticeship reforms. The assessment plan can be found at:

Link to full standards

The role of the apprentice would be to:

  • participate in development opportunities to improve your knowledge skills and behaviours as outlined in the occupational standard
  • undertake 20% off-the-job training as arranged by the employer and EPAO
  • meet all gateway requirements when advised by the employer
  • understand the purpose and importance of EPA and undertake EPA

Our Role would be to: 

  • work with the employer to ensure that the apprentice is given the opportunities to develop the KSBs outlined in the occupational standard and monitor their progress during the on-programme period
  • advise the employer, upon request, on the apprentice’s readiness for EPA prior to the gateway
  • plays no part in the EPA itself

Employer Role would be to:

  • support the apprentice to achieve the KSBs outlined in the occupational standard to their best ability
  • determines when the apprentice is working at or above the level outlined in the occupational standard and is ready for EPA
  • select the EPAO
  • confirm arrangements with EPAO for the EPA (who, when, where) in a timely manner
  • ensure apprentice is well prepared for the EPA
  • should not be involved in the delivery of the EPA